Today was a day of appointments and transfusions at the outpatient clinic. We are so very impressed with the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance/Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. Everyone has been so good to us and although they haven't always been bearers of good news; they have been most compassionate and considerate.
Today's reports were good. Mitch has responded favorably to the chemotherapy thus far and everyone we met with was pleased with his blood work. From the doctor to the dietitian, all commented that his numbers looked great.
It's a waiting game now. As I mentioned yesterday, there will be a bone marrow biopsy around Day 14 (counting his first day of chemotherapy as Day 1) and then another one on Day 21. We have been warned multiple times already, to not get our hopes up regarding the biopsy on Day 14. It may not show clear; it is just part of the protocol to do the test at that point in order to document progress. The most important biopsy is on Day 21 which will most likely be performed either Friday, July 11th or Monday, July 14th. Until then, it is crucial to keep the boy healthy - free from all infections, viruses, germs, plagues, etc.
When you're praying for Mitch's physical health, please remember to pray for encouragement. This is a long, tedious process which seems to be getting longer all the time!!