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Friday, June 27, 2008

God Is So Faithful!!!

Mitch has continued his good "non-reaction" to the chemotherapy. Thank you again for praying with us.

There have been no more fevers since that awful night two days ago; plus, the nausea is definitely under control. Today, the doctor indicated that Mitch may be discharged as early as Saturday to recover at home - depending on how well he is eating. Mitch's response: "If that's what makes the difference, I'll order a Thanksgiving meal!"

We are both delighted to have Chelsea (fiancee) and Sam (brother) arrive today to spend time with us. Obviously, Mitch would prefer waking up from his naps to see Chelsea's face more than having Mom staring at him!! :) And Sam always brings encouragement & entertainment when he comes on the scene.

Mitch's white blood count has almost bottomed out in response to the chemotherapy. Please pray that the leukemia cells are killed, dead, obliterated, erased, wiped out ... pick a phrase. As wonderful as it was to have God pointedly answer prayer two nights ago with the dramatic turnaround ... the job isn't yet completed. He must be in remission for the transplant to proceed. Remission is not confirmed until the bone marrow transplants show clear on Days 14 & 21. This recent direct answer to prayer is more reason to cling to Him and seek His miracles!!

Don't let up warring in prayer. We are still on the front lines.

Thanks so much.


1 comment:

Boomer said...

Just wanted to drop a word in and let you know that we, the Boomer's are praying, and yes, God is So Faithful!
Congrats on the engagement, I didn't hear.
I'll probably come up and see you sometime when you're feeling OK and make a visit to mom. Love ya bro!