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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hospital news

Mitch has been back in the hospital since Sunday. They were able to determine the exact cause of the fever that caused his re-admit and have been able to treat it with the correct specific antibiotic so he is actually feeling pretty good.

Yesterday, he had another bone marrow biopsy to see what the most recent round of chemotherapy had done. Unfortunately, the results were not encouraging. In order to qualify for the cord blood (stem cell) transplant, he has to be less than 5% blast. He is currently above that. We don't know if his numbers are still decreasing from the chemo or starting to increase again. That could only be determined by another biopsy next week. The doctors have decided against that and have, instead, recommended Mitch for a research treatment which will return to the option of Sam donating for the haplo-identical transplant. This treatment will require extensive radiation therapy which has to be scheduled well in advance. The first opening is September 30th. In the meantime, they are going to be watching him closely and working to keep the leukemia cells in check.

Again, we wait and pray. Many times each day, we ask God to heal in whatever method He chooses. However, I find myself praying more and more for that big miracle where He just fixes it all without the doctors! I know He's able.



Karen said...


You probably don't remember me but I spoke with you last summer at Covenant Hills Camp(E. MI).

My mom had a stem cell transplant 2/14/07 (from her sister) and I talked with you about it.

I am so glad I discovered this blog. Mitch continues to be in our prayers regularly. So much of what I read in your updates sounds terribly familiar, even tho the situations are different.

I am believing with you for a miraculous healing from God. I, too, know He is able. I see miracles you are witnessing when I read this blog. What's one more for Him?

Know that I am praying for Mitch and for the rest of your family as well.

PS-My mom is feeling great these days. My prayer is that Mitch will soon be looking back on this experience, too, amazed at God's handiwork.

Anonymous said...

We are praying that prayer right along with you! Take care and let him know we love him and continually praying for a miracle!
Lots of Love,

Autumn Barta(England)